Today, 8 of March , I want to introduce you to some real gentlemen.
And mimosas have nothing to do with them.
While Egypt and the Arabic Spring have been struggling for democracy, women fight for equality has been brutally repressed, practically without any media impact.
Tahrir Square has shifted from a space where women were regarded as a crucial part of the protest to a space where terroristic and systematic brutal violence is aimed to boycott their fight.
Tahrir Bodyguard is the first (and volounteer) answer to the disturbing increase of violences and rapes during the protests in Tahrir Square.
Dozens cases were reported, many of them presenting the same dynamics : women are sourranded by a group of men, their clothes are ripped, they are hit on the head and face while others rape them, with hands and objects, sometimes suffering irreparable injuries.
The police has been ignoring the problem and Egypt is stil stuck in a mentality that ties the victmis to shame, guilt feelings and fears to go public.
Tahrir Bodyguard is a guiding light for all those brave women who keep on fighting for their right and for denouncing the violence they have been suffering.
Today, the trial involving police officers of the Port Said massacre (February 1st, 2012) was expected to provoke violent riots and Tahrir bodyguard announced their presence in the potests.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this post to the victims of these absurd violences, to the volounteers that try to protect them and their fight for a more equal status and to all the women that today were out there, in the streets of Cairo
Here you will find their official twitter page :
Here is a great blog(unfortunately only in italian) about this subject and other delicates issues, take the time to follow her :
Ps : Some articles that I would have liked to post were blocked from my laptop, scary sensation I must admit.