How much will I find If I find my own way .. |
And then I stop,
and I think how many words have been typed or written since man invented the alphabet.
Hundred of billions, thousands probably.
Some words found the combination to form a masterpiece and outlive history,
others were aligned into letters,
some others became confessions, notes, diaries, songs, manuals, articles.
Most simply went lost or forgotten,
back into the cycle of life.
Therefore my question is : why ?
What is the reason that pushes everyone to add his own little share to this universal output?
Why am I writing, posting, shooting, describing
while the ocean of pictures, blogs, articles, news, opinions is already as wide that a life
wouldn't be enough to get through it
No matter how powerless and atomic we are
our perception of life
our thoughts
our story
our tastes
our ideas
our dreams
are worth the greatest amount of energy we can put :
our life.
So that,
my apologies for being the umpteenth notification you receive from
facebooktwitterinstagrambloggergoogle and so on
but when I will be wrinkled and forgetful
I want to have tea (or Scotch) with my wrinkled friends
and laugh about all these little thoughs and experiences
that will certainly be worth living.
Ps in case the question is : "ok, but what is the structure of this blog?"
the answer won't take more than 5 letters...