Day 252

Searching for some hand tattoos meanings, I found myself learning some about prison tattoos.
Here below is a useful list in case you are in that 'i-wanna-date-a-hot-badass' but you don't want do find yourself sharing a banana split with a nazi jailbird.

Teardrop - One of the most common but it can have different meanings : the wearer has killed someone(this meaning originated among the Chicano gangs of California)//has served a long prison sentence, or is mourning the loss of a family member. A clear teardrop,can mean that the wearer has committed an attempted murder, or a close friend was killed and the wearer is seeking revenge.

Clock with no hands- symbolizes "doing time", stands for the meaninglessness of time to an inmate serving a lengthy, or lifelong, prison sentence.

Three dots - mi vida loca, or 'my crazy life'

Five dots or quincunx -  represents time spent in prison. The four outer dots symbolize prison walls, while the inner dot is the inmate. 

Five-point crown : symbol of the Latin Kings gang which originated in 1940s Chicago. The ALKN on this tattoo stands for Almighty Latin King Nation. Other tattoos may have the acronym ALKQN, with the Q standing for Queen. 

MS 13 - stands for Mara Salvatrucha, a large Latino gang notorious for its ruthlessness and violence. MS 13 originated in Los Angeles, but now operates across the United States as well as in Mexico, Central America and Canada. 

La Eme- Mexican Mafia, or La Eme. La Eme is one of the most powerful and highly organized gangs in the American prison system, and controls most of the Chicano gangs in Southern California. La Eme holds an alliance with the Aryan Brotherhood, who are mutual enemies of Nuestra Familia.

El norteno - Rivals of the Sureños, the Norteños of Northern California and the Pacific Northwestern states are controlled by Nuestra Familia, the chief rivals of the Mexican Mafia. 

Aryan brotherhood - 
The shamrock is commonly worn by the white supremacist prison gang. Though many tattoos include the letters AB to display affiliation, some may instead use 12, representing the first and second letters of the alphabet. The number of the beast, 666, is also commonly used in Aryan Brotherhood tattoos.

14 Words- The number 14 represents the "14 Words" of the white nationalist David Lane, which encompass the supremacist philosophy: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children" the number 88 stands for "Heil Hitler," H being the eighth letter of the alphabet. The 88 is also representative of an 88-word passage from Hitler's Mein Kampf, which inspired Lane.
The interlocking triangles on the left cheek are a Norse symbol known as the Valknut that represents the idea of dying in battle. It is worn by Neo-Nazi and Aryan supremacy groups to show a readiness to fight and die for the cause of ensuring prosperity for the white race.

 EWMN (on knuckles ) stand for "Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty." The four suits of playing cards or "lucky knuckles" tattoo is popular and can represent luck or the gamble of life.