Day 167

What if it was just paper areoplanes.. ?

This was the sky I found this morning,
such a leaden welcome
overlooking Orio al Serio airport.

But what made my way back to Milan
(flying from Madrid)
As the world goes social-network addicted
and everyone struggles
to curve out his own little space on the web
(the "fifteen minutes fame" Warhol described decades ago)
companies have to keep up
and adapt to new rating criteria.
Have you ever flied Ryanair?
If yes,
apart from the luggage nightmare,
the miniature seats,
the suicidal time schedule
and the threats of pricey bodily functions,
you must have noticed something...
From the very beginning
until you run out of the plane
when they finally open doors,
they are continuously
transmitting and advertising
through the intercom.
At first I thought that some sort of radio skills were required for job interviews,
now the trend is changing and I started to suspect they hire
.. entertainers and vocals!

Please check it yourselves next time you
challenge yourself to fly with them
(which I always will, considering their prices)
don't deep down into music 
hoping to get some rest,
give the crew a chance and you might hear
unbelievable things...
as the official announcement of the wedding of a hostess
(followed by toasts, cheers, songs and dancing)
the captain asking passengers to "clap their hand in the air"
to celebrate a troubled landing
or the attendant illustrating the safety procedures...rapping!!
(last one is a youtube viral video, not a personal experience)

If your not planning on taking a flight soon,
youtube will guide you through
the new policy of flight crews...
simply love it!