Day 160

Abu Dhabi airport
Airport are parallel worlds,
where stories and lives cross
and where everyone puts his own charachter
and personal dimension on hold
for the time of the cue
before the gate opens.

Music and a pair of big headphones
can be great partners along
duty free
- all alike, but different from anything else "outside" -

and I love to stroll around
these aseptic places
watching the different stories that
airports are able to bring side by side,
things you'd hardly see in the normal life,
such as this German pink-hair punk girl
-her porcelain skin covered with old school tattoos-
an arabic (and islamic) man,
with his long bear and the gaze of someone who has been
fasting for the Holy Ramadan for almost a month

waiting quietly,
side by side,
a plane that will
take them back to their realities,
where such encounters would probably be