Day 108

Io sono un bravo cittadino onesto..

Today the area where I live in Milan introduced
the organic rubbish collection.

These two little tomatoes inaugurated my brand new
but after my experience in Egypt I sometimes wonder :
can we truly learn to behave in a more sustainable way?
is it possible to educate our approach to this planet?
does it really change that these tomatoes are placed in the green bag or not,
when the 13 mt pool I have in Cairo can be heated at whatever temperature I want?

Of course it does and I could list thousands of results, facts and stories that prove it right,
but after I saw the epidemic exploitation
that characterizes less developed and educated countries
I wonder whether all these green behaviors are something which is part
of our nature or not.
Sometimes I have the feeling that our impulsive approach,
when a great number of individuals are brought together,
would rather be that of a virus :
land, water, resources and space are brutally handled to suit our greeds
and trash is almost a living presence.

It is only later on, 
(unless you directly depend on the environment)
when education and wellness allow it,
that we seem to carry and learn how to separate the plastic tap from the paper bottle of milk
 - why the hell don't they do it in a single material is still a mystery to me.

Don't take me wrong,
I strongly believe in a greener lifestyle,
but it is incredibly strong as well to see and experience
how the approach can be different and
-in some way-
incredibly visceral and spontaneous
(after I came back from Egypt,
it took me a least three days to regain the habit of the separate collection!!)

That said,
welcome to my new rubbish bin
and I hope that whoever is reading from Milan will soon take the habit as well!