With big head comes..lot of room for knowledge.
Especially if you consider the extra-space for storage provided by long hair,
which might be the reason why I decided to take several online courses on different subjects.
So far,
nothing interesting.
What is interesting and worth knowing
is that those courses are provided freely by the best universities from all over the world.
Moreover, courses are taught in 5 different languages,
will provide you with an official statement
(there are different options depending on your level of commitment)
and will add great value to your knowledge comfortably from your couch.
The magic word is : Coursera !
Personally, I was amazed by the width of topics offered and so far I am taking courses on
Sustainability, Criminal International Law, Psychology, Nuclear Energy and Latin American Culture to name but a few..
Here you will find the list of courses starting soon :
I think the idea of spreading education freely, worldwide and using such a dynamic tool as internet is an idea worth spreading,
together with a great opportunity.
.. enjoy !