Day 264

When we speak about the aftermaths of colonialism, we usually end up talking about underdevelopment, analphabetism, corruption, authoritarism, HDI, immigration...

I'd love to discuss about a more subtile effect of european -and american- colonialism...vendetta.

No, not the chinese mafia things.

What I am talking about is..depilation.
The last experience I had got this idea into my mind as if, while undergoing a pink-wax torture I had this feeling, that I was expiating not only my sins
but some universal misdeed too.

And then, when the chinese radio inthe background started to sing "and I...will nevel folget you yeyeye" while I was being tortured in a small white room filled with plastic palm trees....then I understood that we europeans cannot complain for our own mistakes.

Well, maybe for the fake palms we can still blame the americans..