Day 256

There is a literary technique which during high school,
walked me, holding my hand,
from the typical teen confusion
into a more mature 
-with less borders but more style -
kind of confusion

They call it

stream of consciousness

I remember it was somehow difficult to pronounce during exams
and as soon as my mind focused on the core concept
it triggered such a random flux of images
that exams suddenly lost their meaning to me
as I was wandering through my endless stream
of loud thoughts

Now that I am a bit older
and much more confused
this stream of life has always came along with me
until it became a well established part of my daily dimension

What scares me know
is when it stops

And this is more or less what is going on with this posts
as if my brain had been filled up with wood shavings
or holed up into hibernation

or simply

left for one of its wonderings around

I'll be waiting for its return

I'll be listening

p.s. my being without the laptop and the iphone
is certainly adding a great deal of inconvenience
