Day 209

what is my blog?
and what has it been so far?

It was born to be the visual and written record
of a wandering,
(or nomadism if you prefer ) :

It started out when I left for Egypt
although I missed the whole previous part of my life regarding
and New York,
I kept track of every move I made
every news that crossed my path
and every landscape I faced.

what is my blog today?

It is a real challenge.
First of all,
I am  no longer travelling
(and I'll explain this later, I am still trying to recover
both pshysically and mentally from this fact)
which is already a tragic loss to this project.

the main tool that kept my travel log alive,
just sinked..
but in a more dynamic way than the Titanic did.

What happened is that I have been so naive
as to leave the laptop just next to a full vase of water
where some damn bamboos were shooting their roots.
The problem was neither the abandoned laptop
nor the vase.

The problem was my cat.
My completely wild Egyptian cat.

with a drowned laptop
and a stable lifestyle
I need to reconsider what this blog will represent in the future.

I should teach my cat couple things.
