Day 194

Yesterday was Friday.
Friday in Cairo means protest, gatherings around Tahrir,
violence, clashes and usually death.
This time 4 (officially, and 6 according to informal sources).
It has almost became a bloody routine here,
especially in the comments of the people
"What?, it's Friday, it's normal!"

But the feeling I have since I came here
hasn't changes despite the political bouleversements.
Outside the area of Tahrir it is very difficult to
grasp a piece of information
or to feel what the political situation is.
Opinions are fuggy, distorted and confused,
reflecting the actual chaos of the society.
In the end,
after chatting a while, trying to dig a bit
you end up more confused than ever
and eventually opt for the italian radio streaming.

What has changed in the daily life
is the extra dose of jams
(and traffic is not excluded of course)
that came with the security issue :
discouraging curfew
enervating -and pointless- check points
desert touristic spots
additional bureaucratic procedures
and the all famous egyptian specialty....traffic!

While the core powers of the nation
- army and judicial system -
are well consolidated in their fortresses,
the rest of the country suffers
a depression that is evident even from the 24th floor
of my expat blindness.