Day 123

...what else is there?

In case you were looking for a diversion in this humid limbo,
the cinema that was once called Maestoso
has now been turned into an occupied space
where movies are projected, courses of yoga, dance and sports are free
and help with the cleaning is always welcomed with a smile.

The cinema has a long biography of openings and different names :
first it opened in the 1912 with the name of Roma,
which lasted for almost 20 years,
until it was abolished and built anew in the '40s.
Since then, the red building in Piazzale Lodi 
- the name changed into "Maestoso" in the '7os -
has been modernized many times
until the last closing in 2007.

In June, a group coming from different communities
(university students, gay movement ecc)
occupied the building,
bringing in some fresh air 
on its red velvet chairs.

So far, the owners declared no intention of accepting the projects
that were developed for saving the old cinema,
but things can evolve at any point
so that the best way to know what's going on is..
to pass by!

Here you have the correct address
and personally,
it is worth to take a look to the empty theater.