Day 97

Good morning tiger!

In Egypt cats are respected for many traditional reasons
dating back to the Pharaon era.
Among other beliefs there is the idea that when children are sleeping,
their souls "migrate" into cats,
therefore killing a cat is unthinkable.
But on the other hand this doesn't mean that they love them ,
especially when it comes to street cats,
which all around the country are a permanent feature of the landscape.
when it comes to pets, egyptians are quite new to the concept of buying a puppet
of a selected race, taking care of it, walking in the parks ecc ecc
and as the trend is quite limited to the upper class
(unless you have a huge apartment or a garden it is just crazy to think about a dog in cairo)
there is not such a concept as "adopting" street animals.
And I know this as I collected the reactions of many friends when
I was telling how I found (and adopted) the two cats we have now.
But the saga does not end with eyes wide open and incredulity.
Cats need a vet, vaccines, papers, a basket ecc ecc
and in Cairo sometimes it means a 50 mins trip
(one way of course)
so that if someone will ever have the same adventures I am having,
I wish you'll find a traffic-lover pet!

Anyways, here is my vet number and andress in case someone should ever need it :

Al Fares vet. center
Dr. Saad El- Kashef
18 Sherif St. front of Horreya Mall- Heliopolis
Tel : 24554995  - 01005259268
 Working hours : 1pm - 11 pm

It is possible as well to ask him home visits
(in this casa prices go from 30 EGP to.. 150 EGP!)
but he speaks good english and is very careful with animals.

Please wish me good luck, I am planning to bring them back to Italy in December and
I know is going to be a hell of an odissey!