Day 94

First of all this song is well worth as a soundtrack for today,
so give it a play and let it make your morning.

I wanted to share with you an opinion from a friend of mine 
who lives in Istanbul and took part in the protest eversince their outburst.

Yesterday I was posting about the differences between #Taskimsquare and #Tahrirsquare
and he gave me an enriching insight on the subject :

"here's a mini survey that is examined on 3.000 people who are in streets and only 20% of them are kind of ok with the army in lead.. Maybe one of the few good things that this government achieved is convincing people that army is not good as it seems and they openly weakened the army."

and this is a huge difference when it comes to a comparison with Egypt,
where the army managed the transition from Mubarak's regime
to the elections that in 2012 lead to the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In fact Turkey is already (almost) a democratical regime
and it is of a great comfort to see that despite the rising violence and tensions
provocked by the repression of the protest,
Turkey is not calling into question the need to follow democratic rules to oppose the government.